Theca Roadmap

August 2021
Idea and core team
The idea of spreading and protecting copyright paves the way for Theca, the first blockchain library. Our core team is put up quickly and the structure of the project is defined.
November 11th 2021
Theca token on Solana network
After months defining goals and elaborating technical market analyzes, the THECA Token is published on the Main net of Solana.
December 15th 2021
Website and social networks
It is time to make Theca known to the world, gathering support. The Theca project, the website and the communities of Telegram, Discord, Twitter and Instagram are made public.
January 17th 2022
Liquidity pool
Liquidity Pools are created within the Solana ecosystem (Raydium) and THECA can be exchanged via Swap. Subsequently, the Theca swap will be made public directly on the website.
February 2023
The entire project developments and ideas in support of the Theca ecosystem are ordered, described and defined in our official technical document. The White Paper will be our instruction manual and will be published promptly with each release.
March 2023
Develop Theca DApp
The decentralized application start to develop in the Theca ecosystem allows everyone to take advantage of the archived content. It is possible to create new works and establish new collaborations between authors, publishers and users. A new way to create, study and educate yourself!
April 2024
New Liquidity pool
New Liquidity Pools with Theca/SOL in Raydium are created in the Solana ecosystem, Tokens can be exchanged via Swap. Subsequently, the Theca swap will be made public directly on the website.
From Q2 2024
Archiving of works
The processing phase begins. Our system starts to archive and protect the works and the publications that are proposed by our team, community, partners and publishers.
Q4 2024
Publish Theca DApp
The decentralized application published in the Theca ecosystem allows everyone to take advantage of the archived content. It is possible to create new works and establish new collaborations between authors, publishers and users. A new way to create, study and educate yourself!
Q1 2025
Listing Exchange
The Theca project is ready to be listed on the major Exchanges. A new economy is created based on the exchange of Theca with other crypto coins or stable coins. The first step of the Theca ecosystem is underway.
Q2 2025
Theca Wallet
The official Theca Wallet is created for Token and NFTs holding and for the authentication and operation of the ecosystem. Consultation, creation and sharing of works. The wallet is a part of the project that brings the user closer to the new Web 3.0 .
Q2 2025
Theca sharing economy
The economy within the Theca DApp occurs through the use of our token. A method for the exchange between authors, publishers and users, who will be able to receive the right commission and create new inter-collaborative cultural initiatives, without having to run into unnecessary intermediation costs and waits.
Q3 2025
Theca Spread Program
In order to make the Theca project known, an Ambassador program is created and launched, in collaboration with publishers, such as libraries, cultural associations and local initiatives. Official Theca meetups will be organized, with the aim of feeding the ecosystem, presenting the project to new authors and supporting the various initiatives.
Q4 2025
Global partnership
Launch of partnerships to promote the Theca project.
Q2 2026
Theca Beta blockchain
The first version of the Theca proprietary blockchain is published. This phase of the project will allow a more rapid expansion and diffusion of data archiving.
Q4 2026
Theca Main blockchain
Two year after the official launch of the Theca Dapp, the community and the team are ready to publish the Main Network blockchain. Theca needs a proprietary blockchain to implement new unique features and functionalities to continue developing the project.
Q4 2026
Community Fundraising
The main feature of the Theca project is the promotion of knowledge and initiatives that will help spread culture and literacy. Theca will promote fundraising initiatives, making available part of the accumulated Theca token fees to support and finance the projects proposed and voted on by the community.